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The Linguistics department of McGill University is pleased to host the ninth edition of the



Semantics Workshop 


Saturday, April 23 2016






You may bring your own computer and adapter, but to avoid any delays we strongly encourage you to email your presentation in advance to  

Prof. Bernhard Schwarz 


Please print and bring 35 copies of your presentation at the conference.


Poster boards measurements are 44.5"x45" (113cm x114cm). Please print your poster accordingly if you are part of the poster session.


TOM 9 is a friendly and informal workshop on semantics and related fields. It is an ideal forum for graduate students to present and discuss their ongoing work via a talk (20 minutes + Q&A) or a poster. Faculty from the associated universities will also be present as invited speakers: this year  we welcome Michela Ippolito (University of Toronto) and Guillaume Thomas (University of Toronto).


There is no fee, but if you plan on attending we kindly ask you to fill the registration form to help us finalize our lunch and dinner plans.

Breakfast and lunch will be offered, and there will be an informal dinner at a restaurant after the workshop. Indicate in the registration form whether you will be joining us for dinner as well.


TOM 9 will take place in the Ballroom of Thomson House (David Thomson Post-Graduate Centre), 3650 McTavish Street, Montreal.


Meeting organizers:

Chris Bruno

Elena Russo

Bernhard Schwarz

Junko Shimoyama


Created by Elena Russo for TOM 9 at McGill University
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